I've received an email from Evie stating that access to my calendar has been revoked.

To solve this issue, simply log back into the Evie dashboard and this will re-sync your calendar with our system.


Evie isn't able to understand my request.

This means that the request you're making to Evie is not supported or your instructions to Evie were unclear. You can reattempt by rephrasing or simplifying your request to Evie - have a look at our user guide for reference.

If you feel that your request was reasonable and acceptable, write in to us at hello@evie.ai with screenshots of the email request (with subject title) and we'll take a look at it!


Evie suggested times when the interviewer is not available.

You can conduct a preliminary troubleshoot that may help identify the source of the issue:
1) Check the status of tje existing calendar event that Evie scheduled over for whether it is set to free or busy. If it has been set to free, Evie takes that it is okay to schedule during that time.
2) Check if the event is placed on a secondary calendar - right now, Evie can only read the primary calendar of interviewers.
3) It could be that Evie's calendar access to your account has been revoked - to fix this, simply log back into the Evie dashboard.

If you've taken any one of the above steps, you can then get Evie to reschedule your meeting/call by updating her on the existing email thread. (E.g. "Evie, please reschedule this.")

If none of the above points are applicable, please contact us at hello@evie.ai with screenshots of the email request (with subject title) for us to investigate.


The required interviewers' calendars are not fully filled, yet Evie isn't suggesting the open time slots between some of the calendar events. Instead, Evie opts for a later date.

This could be due to:
1) default buffer time of 60 minutes - whereby Evie allows some time between the interviewers' other events, so as not to schedule events back-to-back
2) interviewers have events at a place located a certain distance from the interview location - Evie uses location-awareness to allow some travel time between locations
your schedule, duration and buffer time settings in your preferences dashboard.

If the two points above do not apply to your case and Evie is still not scheduling as expected, please contact us at hello@evie.ai with screenshots of the email request (with subject title) for us to investigate.


The interviewer/candidate hasn't replied to Evie's email, but I don't see Evie chasing for a response.

Evie follows up with unresponsive invitees 24 hours after the first proposal email. The second follow up is dependent on the time left until the first proposed time slot.

Check your account dashboard whether you have disabled the option for Evie to CC you in all emails. If you have this option disabled, you will only receive Evie's first proposal email and the confirmation email - Evie will also move you to the bcc list. Enable this option if you'd like to be in the loop whilst Evie is coordinating with interviewers and candidates.

If this was already enabled when you encountered this issue, please contact us at hello@evie.ai with screenshots of the email request (with subject title) for us to investigate.


Evie isn't addressing the interviewer/candidate as how I do but uses their formal name (e.g. Jonathan instead of Jon)

Evie deduces and addresses your invitee based on their email display name. E.g. "Jonathan Lee" <jon@company.com>, Evie addresses your invitee as Jonathan as per their email display first name.



My Daily Digest does not accurately reflect the events on my calendar.

It could be that Evie's access to your calendar has been revoked. To solve this issue, simply log back into your Evie dashboard and this will resync your calendar with our system.

If the issue still persists, please contact us at hello@evie.ai with your details.