Evie.ai Blog

Siemens' Talent Team is Saving 30% of Time with an AI Employee

Written by Team Evie | Feb 19, 2020

"I schedule close to a hundred interviews a month and with Evie, I save 30% of my timeThis has allowed me to focus on the really important tasks like candidate sourcing, and invest more time screening for the best talent to join our company.”

Marta Brockwell
Talent Acquisition Consultant
Siemens Mobility


"Evie is one of my key recruiter tools, it saves me so much time, is so simple to use, and comes with a great support team. I can't recommend Evie enough." 

Richard Booth
Talent Acquisition Partner
Siemens Mobility


We are glad to be working with Siemens to support recruiters like Marta Brockwell and Richard Booth, Talent Acquisition Team at Siemens Mobility, juggling interview scheduling on top of their high-value core work like sourcing and screening for the best talent for each role. 

Our easy-to-use AI scheduling solution enables recruiters to collaborate easily with interviewers. All it takes is a few minutes—3, to be exact—to write and send a simple email to get Evie going. Compared with what typically takes 30 minutes for a recruiter to go through the tedious back-and-forth of coordinating between hiring managers and candidates, Evie effectively reduces 97% of their time spent on scheduling these interviews.

Our data also reveals that half of the time, interviewers reject some of the available time slots taken from their calendar. If these times were to be proposed directly to candidates, interviewers are likely to request for a reschedule later on, resulting in a bad candidate experience. As a result, having Evie check with interviewers before proposing to candidates has drastically reduced the reschedule rate.

As we found out from many big enterprises like Siemens, the process for interview scheduling encompasses way more than finding common times for interviews which itself already constitutes a huge workload. It also extends to a series of follow-up tasks to complete the entire interview scheduling process. 


“I also use Evie to automatically send the right information (attachments, instructions, etc.) to candidates and hiring managers, saving me even more time and ensuring a consistent experience for all our candidates and interviewers.


In the case of Siemens, after finding a common time for interviews, there is a series of follow-up tasks to execute like sending the correct and relevant information to the candidates and interviewers. 

Before using Evie, Marta and Richard had to retrieve the relevant information to send to the candidates—external and internal candidates receive different sets of information—create an invite, and attach the information manually for each candidate. Similarly, for interviewers, the recruiters also have to retrieve and attach interviewer-specific information in the invite which they manually create. 

The multiplier effect of one hundred interviews a month means one hundred invites to create, at least a hundred attachments to candidates, and hundreds of different attachments to interviewers—extremely overwhelming for anyone to manage.

Thankfully with Evie, all these tasks are automated, ensuring the right information is sent every single time.  Evie’s platform allows for workflows to be configured, and delivers scalable consistency in the candidate experience and in executing these follow-up tasks. 


“Evie also interacted well with our candidates, providing a smooth candidate experienceThe Evie team is incredibly responsive and a pleasure to work with." 


As candidates still prefer human interaction throughout the recruiting process, we have managed to combine automation with the human touch, enabling the candidates to inquire about alternative interview times. 

Our close collaboration with Siemens has enabled us to quickly provide solutions to problems faced by recruiters, and has saved them a great amount of time and resources to hire the best talent. 


Contact us to find out what Evie can do for you.